NFL Picks of the Week

Friday, October 29, 2004

Week 8

NY Giants at Minnesota - With the Vikes nearly at full strength, the Giants will have their hands full in this game. The Giants had a rough game last week in the loss to Detroit. If they couldn't stop Kevin Jones from scoring, RBs Bennett, Williams, and Moore will have a field day on this D-line.

Baltimore at Philadelphia - Time and time again, it has been proven that Baltimore can't score offensively. Maybe they should turn their DBs into receivers since they are the only ones who seem to know how to catch a ball. Baltimore relies on turnovers to score. This may be a problem this week. Even with Westbrook out with a broken rib, O-lineman Runyan out with a groin pull, McNabb and company will dominate this game. I just hope Dorsey remembers how to hit the hole.

Green Bay at Washington - This game could easily go to the Skins just because half of the Cheeseheads offensive stars are injured. Favre's hand, Green's Achilles, and O-lineman Marco Rivera ankle have kept them out of practice this week. If they can just make it past this game, they have a bye week coming up next week. Favre is unlikely to miss a start. If his hand holds up, look for a lot of deep balls to the side where rookie Sean Taylor would have been.

Jacksonville at Houston - At 5-2, the Jags seem to be for real this year. Leftwich continues to excel in last minute drills. Last week, The Jags upset the Colts with a FG in the final minute of play. Houston should be well rested coming into this game. Let's see if the rest helped or the rust set in.

Arizona at Buffalo - Arizona had a huge upset over Seattle last week. With a possible return of Anquan Boldin this week, this may become an exciting team to watch. Ok, maybe that is taking it a little too far. I know Dennis Green is happy. Dreadsoe fell apart against a Ravens defense by throwing 4 INT, one of which was taken back for a touchdown by Neon Deion. Willis McGahee will start this week for the Bills.

Detroit at Dallas - Tuna has to turn this program around immediately. They were smoked by the Packers last week with a score of 41-20. The good thing about this week, the Cowboys won't have to worry about a monster rushing game. Don't get me wrong Pinner and Jones are decent backs, but the Cowboys may have to focus on the aerial assault by Harrington.

Cincinnati at Tennessee - Cincinnati had its best game of the season against Denver on MNF. Chad Johnson had the game he wanted against the Browns, but was denied by Cleveland's monster defense. He ended up with nearly 150 yards. FLUKE!! QB Palmer was in danger of losing his starting position. He had to have a big day. Volek had a rough day throwing 3 picks against the Vikings. His nerves will be settled this week against the sporadic style of play from Cincy's defense.

Indianapolis at Kansas City - RBs Priest and Blaylock combined for a total of 8 touchdowns last week. Undoubtedly, that was probably the best game for KC thus far. Mainly because, the defense didn't have too many chances to show how bad they really are. Not to take anything from Vick, but Peyton is an entirely different QB. Indy's weapons will be too much for KC. Indy will bounce back from last week's loss to Jacksonville. If I didn't know any better, I'd bet Vermeil has already began to cry.

Atlanta at Denver - Please let Jake put the sticker back on his helmet. Denver looked horrible on MNF in Paul Brown Stadium. With the loss of Quentin Griffin for the year, Droughns, Bell, and Hearst are likely to see most of the carries. Atlanta couldn't stop the run last week. Not only will they have to worry about the rushing game, but I'm sure Jake is wearing those '40' stickers like nicotine patches.

Carolina at Seattle - The Seahawks have to feel good coming into this game, the (1-5) Panthers are one of the worst teams around. After losing 3 games in a row, Seattle needs to win here. They play San Fran next week which is also possibly another win. Carolina is without Davis and Foster in the back field. Chalk up another 'L' for Coach Fox.

New England at Pittsburgh -UPSET OF THE WEEK! Pittsburgh has the necessary tools to beat the Patriots. The Pats are another team who thrives on turnovers. If Maddox was in there, this would play to the Patriots favor. But, Roethlisberger has been playing very well, and seems to limit his mistakes to a minimum. Ward and Burress are great receivers who continue to make big plays, especially when you need them to. Plus, they have Duce and Bettis in the back field. Sorry Patriot fans, but your streak will end at 21.

Oakland at San Diego - The Bolts have seemingly turned this season around. What once looked to be an abysmal season, looks to be a season with promise. McCardell has already stepped in to make an impact on the passing game. Couple that with the RB tandem of Tomlinson and Chatman, this could easily be a 9-7 team. Oakland gave the Saints a run for their money last week but once again came up short. The Raiders are on a 4-game losing streak. It will be up to five by the end of Sunday.

San Francisco at Chicago - Trick or Treat? Buckeye QB Craig Krenzel has the nod to start this week for the Bears. This could be just what the Bears needed to jump start their offense. The Niners are coming off a bye week. I thought they were playing as if every week was their bye week. With both teams having a 1-5 record, this will have the lowest rating for Sunday night football this season.

Miami at NY Jets - Which Dolphin team will show up this week? Will we see the Dolphins' team that was one game away from being canned tuna? Or will we see the one that completely destroyed the Rams last Sunday? Not to take anything away from the Dolphins last week, but it was a fluke. The Jets will bounce back from their loss to the Pats, which happened to be their only loss this season. Herman does not believe in "moral victories', only wins. The Jets will continue to roll.

GAME OF THE WEEK: New England Patriots vs. Pittsburgh Steelers